Letter #14
Fort Morton, Nashville, Tenn
Ausut 27 – 1865
Dear brother
I was in hopes when I wrote last that we would be starting for home about this time but we are not likely to start for a number of days yet. We are sure that the Orders to muster this Regt out are at General Thomas Head Quarters and why they are not sent to the Regt we do not know. We have been expecting them evry day, for a good while but they have not come yet. I suppose it will take 8 or 10 days to make out the papers & muster us out after we get the order, then we will go to the state & stay there 8 or 10 days before we get our discharge so you see it will be the last of September before we get home for good even if we get Orders to muster out immediately, which we are not sure of. It is thought that the boys in jail are the cause of our staying here so long. They have not had any trial yet, & we will probably have to stay here till they are tried. I do not know how long it will take.
I havnt received any letters lately & I suppose the reason is because they & you are expecting me home evry day. It is not time yet to stop writing we will get them in Detroit or Jackson if we do not here. I think our mail will stop in Detroit as soon as we get orders to go to the State & if it is not stopped there it will be forwarded to us so I wish you would write I want to know if Grandfather & Mother comes & the rest of the friends that you are expecting.
I may not want to go home when we go to the state until I get my discharge unless it is to see them. I would like to have you send me a little money If I considered it perfectly safe but I guess you need not. I shall not want it unless it is to pay my fare home & I think I can borrow enough for that if I should want it
That man that was so sick when I wrote last, is dead. We thought he was getting a little better & hoped that he would get well when suddenly news came that he was dead. He was one of the number that was in jail was taken out & sent to a Hospital when he was taken sick. We had his body embalmed & sent home in a metalie coffin The Co has raised 130 dollars to pay expences & the remainder if any to go to his wife. The Coffin & embalming cost I think 95 dollars. The express charges was paid there. I do not know how much that was. Most all the boys paid 2 dollars, or are to pay next pay day. We borrowed the money till then of some of the boys that did not send theirs home.
The weather here is very dry, evry thing is all drying up – it has been most two months since we have had much rain here. It has rained all around us a number of times & would come near enough to us to sprinkle a little but that was all We had a very cool spell 2 or three days last week, so cool that fire felt good in the morning, but it is very warm again now.
Our spring has dried up & we have to draw all of our water with a team, comes from the river & is miserable, not fit to drink
I am on guard to day, - do not have to be on every night as I was one while, that was when they were at work & I thought it would be easier for me than to go out to work as I was quite unwell, my health is better now.
Now B write as soon as you get this - I shall expect a letter the last of this week
What do you think about my bringing my gun home. It will cost me 6 dollars I think it would make a good shot gun by having it bored out that is all it is good for