Letter #12
Camp, Fort Morgan Tenn
Nashville July 7 – 1865
Dear brother
You see we have been on the move again since I last wrote.
It was rather a strange move we thought – did’nt much like going farther south – away from home – that place we had expected so soon to see, but it may be all right although we cannot see it.
We left Gainsville the last day of June. Received eight months pay the day before. I was thinking that I had not writen home since we left Gainsville but I remember now of writing to father, to let him know that I had expressed my money to him, 170 dollars - hope he has received it.
We have moved from where we were at first to the different forts around the city, - had some trouble about it to. The boys thought if the Regt was divided it would delay our being mustered out & they did not like the plan of leaving the grove for the forts & going to work on them, for that was the order. A good many of them got together & after talking the mater over concluded it was not best to go. Our battallion was ordered to move first & when they gave the order to strike tents but fiew obeyed. The Colonel came down and told us what his orders was from General Thomas & advised us to go & not make any trouble, said the work would be light. Were ordered then to get our things & fall in. Companies D & F all fell in most all of C. but not quite half of our Co. We marched off from the camp ground & the roll was called, none were allowed to return to the Company after that although a good many became sick of their bargain & wanted to come back.
The other two Battallions moved soon after we did they all went to a man, although they did the most blowing & were the leaders – did’nt have the pluck to carry it out.
They are confined now in the City jail – not very pleasant this warm weather. Our battalion all have good barracks to live in – Companies D & F are at Fort Negly, I & C at Fort Morton. The Barracks are nearly new & good – evry thing more home like than we have ever had before, have a fine view of the City being situated on a hill. havnt had to work any yet & I do not think we will as long as it is so warm it has been extreemly warm for 4 days - & I hope before it gets much cooler they will get ready to muster us out.
Most evry thing is very dear here but we have lived on hard tack coffee & pork so long that we must have something else cost what it will – We pay two dollars a bushel for potatoes – new ones – 50 cts buter 50 Eggs 16cts qt milk & C. Went down & had my hair cut last night. 50 cts was all they charged. A glass of lemonade for 20 cts bought me a pretty good hat last night $4.50, the price was 5 dollars but three of us bought one & he threw off some - bought me a knife for ten shillings. I have lost two good ones since we left Atlanta. I was glad to hear that Columbus had arrived home. I believe I received a letter from some of you at Washington, not any since, had one from Bay City, is all. Would like much to hear from you.
Your Brother John